Using a Version Control System

Offered by:LuciLinX with Michaël Heymann
When:30 November 2011
Where:CRP-Santé (1, rue Thomas Edison, Strassen), Room Schumpeter (ground floor).
Duration:1 - 5 pm
Requirements:Bring your own laptop.
Restrictions:First-come first-serve
Registration:By email to Michaël Heymann
Contact:michael DOT heymann AT ibbl DOT lu


This workshop aims at introducing the concepts behind version control systems. Although they were designed for people involved in writing source code (and are therefore a must for every programmer), the concepts can be applied to a broader range of documents. It might even be interesting for binary files !

This workshop is intended to be very interactive. After a first part dedicated to theory (less than 1 hour) which will cover some history and different existing tools, the remaining will be spent in a “hands-on” mode, using exclusively the Git distributed source control tool, where each participant will play with the most useful functions: creating a repository, adding and modifying files, merging, recovering, etc. Depending on time and group interests, we will also cover more advanced aspects, like creating a server to distribute your project and enable collaborations for example.

If you are tired of renaming your files with numbered suffixes, wasting disk space and loosing track of where is the most up-to-date version of your files, if you would be able to resurrect an old section of a document or even a complete deleted file, if you have trouble to collaborate efficiently with your colleagues when it comes to text files, then this workshop is for you !

No previous experience in the field is required but you are asked to bring your own laptop for the hands-on part. More information regarding the practical organization will be sent later on to registrants.